
Sustainable Baby

Sustainable Baby

A Parent's Practical Guide to Consuming Less and Livin g Better

von: Debbie Hodgson

34,08 €

Verlag: ABC Books
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 01.04.2011
ISBN/EAN: 9780730498056
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 176

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SUSTAINABLE BABY is a guide to making life easier on your pocket and to help you live more sustainably. It's no longer an 'alternative' view that our current throwaway, spendthrift lifestyle is coming to the end of its expiry date. the continual squeeze of drought and water restrictions, hikes in petrol and food prices, interest rate and rent rises, and the latest economic crisis is pushing everyone to consider the environment and their finances. As all parents soon realise, trying to be frugal and environmentally aware goes down the gurgler with children - along with the idea of a full night's sleep. Sustainable Baby is a guide to making life easier on both your pocket and to help you live more sustainably. Re-discover the simple life with ideas to recycle, make your own toys, extend the life of children's clothes, fabulous ideas for children's parties and gifts, and tempt even the fussiest eaters with tasty recipes from finger food to meal suggestions. Sustainable Baby is a must-have for all parents wanting to explore a creative family lifestyle.

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