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Chemistry Workbook For Dummies®

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“The first essential in chemistry is that you should perform practical work and conduct experiments, for he who performs not practical work nor makes experiments will never attain the least degree of mastery.”


“One of the wonders of this world is that objects so small can have such consequences: Any visible lump of matter — even the merest speck — contains more atoms than there are stars in our galaxy.”


Chemistry is at once practical and wondrous, humble and majestic. And for someone studying it for the first time, chemistry can be tricky.

That’s why we wrote this book. Chemistry is wondrous. Workbooks are practical. Practice makes perfect. This chemistry workbook will help you practice many types of chemistry problems with the solutions nicely laid out.

About This Book

When you’re fixed in the thickets of stoichiometry or bogged down by buffered solutions, you’ve got little use for rapturous poetry about the atomic splendor of the universe. What you need is a little practical assistance. Subject by subject, problem by problem, this book extends a helping hand to pull you out of the thickets and bogs.

The topics covered in this book are the topics most often covered in a first-year chemistry course in high school or college. The focus is on problems — problems like the ones you may encounter in homework or on exams. We give you just enough theory to grasp the principles at work in the problems. Then we tackle example problems. Then you tackle practice problems. The best way to succeed at chemistry is to practice. Practice more. And then practice even more. Watching your teacher do the problems or reading about them isn’t enough. Michael Jordan didn’t develop a jump shot by watching other people shoot a basketball. He practiced. A lot. Using this workbook, you can, too (but chemistry, not basketball).

This workbook is modular. You can pick and choose those chapters and types of problems that challenge you the most; you don’t have to read this book cover to cover if you don’t want to. If certain topics require you to know other topics in advance, we tell you so and point you in the right direction. Most importantly, we provide a worked-out solution and explanation for every problem.

Foolish Assumptions

We assume you have a basic facility with algebra and arithmetic. You should know how to solve simple equations for an unknown variable. You should know how to work with exponents and logarithms. That’s about it for the math. At no point do we ask you to, say, consider the contradictions between the Schrödinger equation and stochastic wavefunction collapse.

We assume you’re a high school or college student and have access to a secondary school-level (or higher) textbook in chemistry or some other basic primer, such as Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition (written by John T. Moore, EdD, and published by Wiley). We present enough theory in this workbook for you to tackle the problems, but you’ll benefit from a broader description of basic chemical concepts. That way, you’ll more clearly understand how the various pieces of chemistry operate within a larger whole — you’ll see the compound for the elements, so to speak.

We assume you don’t like to waste time. Neither do we. Chemists in general aren’t too fond of time-wasting, so if you’re impatient for progress, you’re already part-chemist at heart.

Icons Used in This Book

You’ll find a selection of helpful icons nicely nestled along the margins of this workbook. Think of them as landmarks, familiar signposts to guide you as you cruise the highways of chemistry.

remember Within already pithy summaries of chemical concepts, passages marked by this icon represent the pithiest must-know bits of information. You’ll need to know this stuff to solve problems.

tip Sometimes there’s an easy way and a hard way. This icon alerts you to passages intended to highlight an easier way. It’s worth your while to linger for a moment. You may find yourself nodding quietly as you jot down a grateful note or two.

warning Chemistry may be a practical science, but it also has its pitfalls. This icon raises a red flag to direct your attention to easily made errors or other tricky items. Pay attention to this material to save yourself from needless frustration.

example Within each section of a chapter, this icon announces, “Here ends theory” and “Let the practice begin.” Alongside the icon is an example problem that employs the very concept covered in that section. An answer and explanation accompany each practice problem.

Beyond the Book

In addition to the topics we cover in this book, you can find even more information online. Check out the free Cheat Sheet for some quick and useful tips for solving the most common types of chemistry problems you’ll see. To get this Cheat Sheet, go to and search for “Chemistry Workbook” in the Search box.

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Where to Go from Here

Where you go from here depends on your situation and your learning style:

No matter the reason you have this book in your hands now, there are three simple steps to remember:

  1. Don’t just read it; do the practice problems.
  2. Don’t panic.
  3. Do more practice problems.

Anyone can do chemistry given enough desire, focus, and time. Keep at it, and you’ll get an element on the periodic table named after you soon enough.

Part 1

Getting Cozy with Numbers, Atoms, and Elements


Discover how to deal with, organize, and use all the numbers that play a huge role in chemistry. In particular, find out about exponential and scientific notation as well as precision and accuracy.

Convert many types of units that exist across the scientific world. From millimeters to kilometers and back again, you find conversions here.

Determine the arrangement and structure of subatomic particles in atoms. Protons, neutrons, and electrons play a central role in everything chemistry, and you find their most basic properties in this part.

Get the scoop on the arrangement of the periodic table and the properties it conveys for each group of elements.

Chapter 1

Noting Numbers Scientifically


check Crunching numbers in scientific and exponential notation

check Telling the difference between accuracy and precision

check Doing math with significant figures

Like any other kind of scientist, a chemist tests hypotheses by doing experiments. Better tests require more reliable measurements, and better measurements are those that have more accuracy and precision. This explains why chemists get so giggly and twitchy about high-tech instruments: Those instruments take better measurements!

How do chemists report their precious measurements? What’s the difference between accuracy and precision? And how do chemists do math with measurements? These questions may not keep you awake at night, but knowing the answers to them will keep you from making rookie mistakes in chemistry.

Using Exponential and Scientific Notation to Report Measurements

Because chemistry concerns itself with ridiculously tiny things like atoms and molecules, chemists often find themselves dealing with extraordinarily small or extraordinarily large numbers. Numbers describing the distance between two atoms joined by a bond, for example, run in the ten-billionths of a meter. Numbers describing how many water molecules populate a drop of water run into the trillions of trillions.

To make working with such extreme numbers easier, chemists turn to scientific notation, which is a special kind of exponential notation. Exponential notation simply means writing a number in a way that includes exponents. In scientific notation, every number is written as the product of two numbers, a coefficient and a power of 10. In plain old exponential notation, a coefficient can be any value of a number multiplied by a power with a base of 10 (such as 104). But scientists have rules for coefficients in scientific notation. In scientific notation, the coefficient is always at least 1 and always less than 10. For example, the coefficient could be 7, 3.48, or 6.0001.

tip To convert a very large or very small number to scientific notation, move the decimal point so it falls between the first and second digits. Count how many places you moved the decimal point to the right or left, and that’s the power of 10. If you moved the decimal point to the left, the exponent on the 10 is positive; to the right, it’s negative. (Here’s another easy way to remember the sign on the exponent: If the initial number value is greater than 1, the exponent will be positive; if the initial number value is between 0 and 1, the exponent will be negative.)

To convert a number written in scientific notation back into decimal form, just multiply the coefficient by the accompanying power of 10.

images Q. Convert 47,000 to scientific notation.

A. images. First, imagine the number as a decimal:


Next, move the decimal point so it comes between the first two digits:


Then count how many places to the left you moved the decimal (four, in this case) and write that as a power of 10: images.

Q. Convert 0.007345 to scientific notation.

A. images. First, put the decimal point between the first two nonzero digits:


Then count how many places to the right you moved the decimal (three, in this case) and write that as a power of 10: images.

1 Convert 200,000 into scientific notation.

2 Convert 80,736 into scientific notation.

3 Convert 0.00002 into scientific notation.

4 Convert images from scientific notation into decimal form.

Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation

A major benefit of presenting numbers in scientific notation is that it simplifies common arithmetic operations. The simplifying abilities of scientific notation are most evident in multiplication and division. (As we note in the next section, addition and subtraction benefit from exponential notation but not necessarily from strict scientific notation.)

remember To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, multiply the coefficients and then add the exponents. To divide two numbers, simply divide the coefficients and then subtract the exponent of the denominator (the bottom number) from the exponent of the numerator (the top number).

images Q. Multiply using the shortcuts of scientific notation: images.

A. images. First, multiply the coefficients:


Next, add the exponents of the powers of 10:


Finally, join your new coefficient to your new power of 10:


Q. Divide using the shortcuts of scientific notation: images.

A. images. First, divide the coefficients:


Next, subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator:


Then join your new coefficient to your new power of 10:


5 Multiply images.

6 Divide images.

7 Using scientific notation, multiply images.

8 Using scientific notation, divide images.

Using Exponential Notation to Add and Subtract

Addition or subtraction gets easier when you express your numbers as coefficients of identical powers of 10. To wrestle your numbers into this form, you may need to use coefficients less than 1 or greater than 10. So scientific notation is a bit too strict for addition and subtraction, but exponential notation still serves you well.

remember To add two numbers easily by using exponential notation, first express each number as a coefficient and a power of 10, making sure that 10 is raised to the same exponent in each number. Then add the coefficients. To subtract numbers in exponential notation, follow the same steps but subtract the coefficients.

images Q. Use exponential notation to add these numbers: images.

A. images. First, convert both numbers to the same power of 10:


Next, add the coefficients:


Finally, join your new coefficient to the shared power of 10:


Q. Use exponential notation to subtract: images.

A. images. First, convert both numbers to the same power of 10:


Next, subtract the coefficients:


Then join your new coefficient to the shared power of 10:


9 Add images.

10 Subtract images.

11 Use exponential notation to add images.

12 Use exponential notation to subtract images.

Distinguishing between Accuracy and Precision

remember Accuracy and precision, precision and accuracy … same thing, right? Chemists everywhere gasp in horror, reflexively clutching their pocket protectors — accuracy and precision are different!

The two most common measurements related to accuracy are error and percent error:

images Q. A police officer uses a radar gun to clock a passing Ferrari at 131 miles per hour (mph). The Ferrari was really speeding at 127 mph. Calculate the error in the officer’s measurement.

A. images. First, determine which value is the actual value and which is the measured value:

  • Actual value = 127 mph
  • Measured value = 131 mph

Then calculate the error by subtracting the measured value from the actual value:


Q. Calculate the percent error in the officer’s measurement of the Ferrari’s speed.

A. 3.15%. First, divide the error’s absolute value (the size, as a positive number) by the actual value:


Next, multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percent error:


13 Two people, Reginald and Dagmar, measure their weight in the morning by using typical bathroom scales, instruments that are famously unreliable. The scale reports that Reginald weighs 237 pounds, though he actually weighs 256 pounds. Dagmar’s scale reports her weight as 117 pounds, though she really weighs 129 pounds. Whose measurement incurred the greater error? Who incurred a greater percent error?

14 Two jewelers were asked to measure the mass of a gold nugget. The true mass of the nugget is 0.856 grams (g). Each jeweler took three measurements. The average of the three measurements was reported as the “official” measurement with the following results:

  • Jeweler A: 0.863 g, 0.869 g, 0.859 g
  • Jeweler B: 0.875 g, 0.834 g, 0.858 g

Which jeweler’s official measurement was more accurate? Which jeweler’s measurements were more precise? In each case, what was the error and percent error in the official measurement?

Expressing Precision with Significant Figures

When you know how to express your numbers in scientific notation and how to distinguish between precision and accuracy (we cover both topics earlier in this chapter), you can bask in the glory of a new skill: using scientific notation to express precision. The beauty of this system is that simply by looking at a measurement, you know just how precise that measurement is.

remember When you report a measurement, you should include digits only if you’re really confident about their values. Including a lot of digits in a measurement means something — it means that you really know what you’re talking about — so we call the included digits significant figures. The more significant figures (sig figs) in a measurement, the more accurate that measurement must be. The last significant figure in a measurement is the only figure that includes any uncertainty, because it’s an estimate. Here are the rules for deciding what is and what isn’t a significant figure:

remember The number of significant figures you use in a reported measurement should be consistent with your certainty about that measurement. If you know your speedometer is routinely off by 5 miles per hour, then you have no business protesting to a policeman that you were going only 63.2 mph in a 60 mph zone.

images Q. How many significant figures are in the following three measurements?

  1. images
  2. images
  3. images

A. a) Five, b) three, and c) four significant figures. In the first measurement, all digits are nonzero, except for a 0 that’s sandwiched between nonzero digits, which counts as significant. The coefficient in the second measurement contains only nonzero digits, so all three digits are significant. The coefficient in the third measurement contains a 0, but that 0 is the final digit and to the right of the decimal point, so it’s significant.

15 Identify the number of significant figures in each measurement:

  1. images
  2. 0.000769 meters
  3. 769.3 meters

16 In chemistry, the potential error associated with a measurement is often reported alongside the measurement, as in images grams. This report indicates that all digits are certain except the last, which may be off by as much as 0.2 grams in either direction. What, then, is wrong with the following reported measurements?

  1. images
  2. images

Doing Arithmetic with Significant Figures

Doing chemistry means making a lot of measurements. The point of spending a pile of money on cutting-edge instruments is to make really good, really precise measurements. After you’ve got yourself some measurements, you roll up your sleeves, hike up your pants, and do some math.

remember When doing math in chemistry, you need to follow some rules to make sure that your sums, differences, products, and quotients honestly reflect the amount of precision present in the original measurements. You can be honest (and avoid the skeptical jeers of surly chemists) by taking things one calculation at a time, following a few simple rules. One rule applies to addition and subtraction, and another rule applies to multiplication and division.

Notice the difference between the two rules. When you add or subtract, you assign significant figures in the answer based on the number of decimal places in each original measurement. When you multiply or divide, you assign significant figures in the answer based on the smallest number of significant figures from your original set of measurements.

tip Caught up in the breathless drama of arithmetic, you may sometimes perform multi-step calculations that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, all in one go. No problem. Follow the normal order of operations, doing multiplication and division first, followed by addition and subtraction. At each step, follow the simple significant-figure rules, and then move on to the next step.

images Q. Express the following sum with the proper number of significant figures:


A. 671.1 miles. Adding the three values yields a raw sum of 671.05 miles. However, the 35.7 miles measurement extends only to the tenths place. Therefore, you round the answer to the tenths place, from 671.05 to 671.1 miles.

Q. Express the following product with the proper number of significant figures:


A. images. Of the two measurements, one has two significant figures (27 feet) and the other has four significant figures (13.45 feet). The answer is therefore limited to two significant figures. You need to round the raw product, 363.15 feet2. You could write 360 feet2, but doing so may imply that the final 0 is significant and not just a placeholder. For clarity, express the product in scientific notation, as images feet2.

17 Express this difference using the appropriate number of significant figures:


18 Express the answer to this calculation using the appropriate number of significant figures:


19 Report the difference using the appropriate number of significant figures:


20 Express the answer to this multi-step calculation using the appropriate number of significant figures:


Answers to Questions on Noting Numbers Scientifically

The following are the answers to the practice problems in this chapter.

  1. images. Move the decimal point immediately after the 2 to create a coefficient between 1 and 10. Because you’re moving the decimal point five places to the left, multiply the coefficient, 2, by the power 105.
  2. images. Move the decimal point immediately after the 8 to create a coefficient between 1 and 10. You’re moving the decimal point four places to the left, so multiply the coefficient, 8.0736, by the power 104.
  3. images. Move the decimal point immediately after the 2 to create a coefficient between 1 and 10. You’re moving the decimal point five spaces to the right, so multiply the coefficient, 2, by the power 10–5.
  4. 690.3. You need to understand scientific notation to change the number back to regular decimal form. Because 102 equals 100, multiply the coefficient, 6.903, by 100. This moves the decimal point two spaces to the right.
  5. images. First, multiply the coefficients: images. Then multiply the powers of 10 by adding the exponents: images. The raw calculation yields images, which converts to the given answer when you express it in scientific notation.
  6. images. The ease of math with scientific notation shines through in this problem. Dividing the coefficients yields a coefficient quotient of images, and dividing the powers of 10 (by subtracting their exponents) yields a quotient of images. Marrying the two quotients produces the given answer, already in scientific notation.
  7. 1.8. First, convert each number to scientific notation: images and images. Next, multiply the coefficients: images. Then add the exponents on the powers of 10: images. Finally, join the new coefficient with the new power: images. Expressed in scientific notation, this answer is images. Looking back at the original numbers, you see that both factors have only two significant figures; therefore, you have to round your answer to match that number of sig figs, making it 1.8.
  8. images. First, convert each number to scientific notation: images and images. Then divide the coefficients: images. Next, subtract the exponent on the denominator from the exponent of the numerator to get the new power of 10: images. Join the new coefficient with the new power: images. Finally, express gratitude that the answer is already conveniently expressed in scientific notation.
  9. images. Because the numbers are each already expressed with identical powers of 10, you can simply add the coefficients: images. Then join the new coefficient with the original power of 10.
  10. images. Because the numbers are each expressed with the same power of 10, you can simply subtract the coefficients: images. Then join the new coefficient with the original power of 10.
  11. images (or an equivalent expression). First, convert the numbers so they each use the same power of 10: images and images. Here, we use 10–3, but you can use a different power as long as the power is the same for each number. Next, add the coefficients: images. Finally, join the new coefficient with the shared power of 10.
  12. images (or an equivalent expression). First, convert the numbers so each uses the same power of 10: images and images. Here, we’ve picked 102, but any power is fine as long as the two numbers have the same power. Then subtract the coefficients: images. Finally, join the new coefficient with the shared power of 10.
  13. Reginald’s measurement incurred the greater magnitude of error, and Dagmar’s measurement incurred the greater percent error. Reginald’s scale reported with an error of images, and Dagmar’s scale reported with an error of images. Comparing the magnitudes of error, you see that 19 pounds is greater than 12 pounds. However, Reginald’s measurement had a percent error of images, while Dagmar’s measurement had a percent error of images.
  14. Jeweler A’s official average measurement was 0.864 grams, and Jeweler B’s official measurement was 0.856 grams. You determine these averages by adding up each jeweler’s measurements and then dividing by the total number of measurements, in this case 3. Based on these averages, Jeweler B’s official measurement is more accurate because it’s closer to the actual value of 0.856 grams.

    However, Jeweler A’s measurements were more precise because the differences between A’s measurements were much smaller than the differences between B’s measurements. Despite the fact that Jeweler B’s average measurement was closer to the actual value, the range of his measurements (that is, the difference between the largest and the smallest measurements) was 0.041 grams (images). The range of Jeweler A’s measurements was 0.010 grams (images).

    This example shows how low-precision measurements can yield highly accurate results through averaging of repeated measurements. In the case of Jeweler A, the error in the official measurement was images. The corresponding percent error was images. In the case of Jeweler B, the error in the official measurement was images. Accordingly, the percent error was 0%.

  15. The correct number of significant figures is as follows for each measurement: a) 5, b) 3, and c) 4.
  16. a) “images gram” is an improperly reported measurement because the reported value, 893.7, suggests that the measurement is certain to within a few tenths of a gram. The reported error is known to be greater, at images gram. The measurement should be reported as “images gram.”

    b) “images gram” is improperly reported because the reported value, 342, gives the impression that the measurement becomes uncertain at the level of grams. The reported error makes clear that uncertainty creeps into the measurement only at the level of hundredths of a gram. The measurement should be reported as “images gram.”

  17. 114.36 seconds. The trick here is remembering to convert all measurements to the same power of 10 before comparing decimal places for significant figures. Doing so reveals that images seconds goes to the hundredths of a second, despite the fact that the measurement contains only two significant figures. The raw calculation yields 114.359 seconds, which rounds properly to the hundredths place (taking significant figures into account) as 114.36 seconds, or images seconds in scientific notation.
  18. images inches. Here, you have to recall that defined quantities (1 foot is defined as 12 inches) have unlimited significant figures. So your calculation is limited only by the number of significant figures in the measurement 345.6 feet. When you multiply 345.6 feet by 12 inches per foot, the feet cancel, leaving units of inches:


    The raw calculation yields 4,147.2 inches, which rounds properly to four significant figures as 4,147 inches, or images inches in scientific notation.

  19. images minutes. Here, it helps here to convert all measurements to the same power of 10 so you can more easily compare decimal places in order to assign the proper number of significant figures. Doing so reveals that images minutes goes to the hundred-thousandths of a minute, and 0.009 minutes goes to the thousandths of a minute. The raw calculation yields images minutes, which rounds properly to the thousandths place (taking significant figures into account) as images minutes, or images minutes in scientific notation.
  20. 2.81 feet. Following standard order of operations, you can do this problem in two main steps, first performing multiplication and division and then performing addition and subtraction.

    Following the rules of significant-figure math, the first step yields images. Each product or quotient contains the same number of significant figures as the number in the calculation with the fewest number of significant figures.

    After completing the first step, divide by 10.0 feet to finish the problem:


    You write the answer with three sig figs because the measurement 10.0 feet contains three sig figs, which is the smallest available between the two numbers.

Chapter 2

Using and Converting Units


check Embracing the International System of Units

check Relating base units and derived units

check Converting between units

Have you ever been asked for your height in centimeters, your weight in kilograms, or the speed limit in kilometers per hour? These measurements may seem a bit odd to those folks who are used to feet, pounds, and miles per hour, but the truth is that scientists sneer at feet, pounds, and miles. Because scientists around the globe constantly communicate numbers to each other, they prefer a highly systematic, standardized system. The International System of Units, abbreviated SI from the French term Système International, is the unit system of choice in the scientific community.

In this chapter, you find that the SI system offers a very logical and well-organized set of units. Scientists, despite what many of their hairstyles may imply, love logic and order, so SI is their system of choice.

tip As you work with SI units, try to develop a good sense for how big or small the various units are. That way, as you’re doing problems, you’ll have a sense for whether your answer is reasonable.

Familiarizing Yourself with Base Units and Metric System Prefixes

The first step in mastering the SI system is to figure out the base units. Much like the atom, the SI base units are building blocks for more-complicated units. In later sections of this chapter, you find out how more-complicated units are built from the SI base units. The five SI base units that you need to do chemistry problems (as well as their familiar, non-SI counterparts) are in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 SI Base Units


SI Unit


Non-SI Unit

Amount of a substance



no non-SI unit




foot, inch, yard, mile








degree Celsius, degree Fahrenheit




minute, hour

Chemists routinely measure quantities that run the gamut from very small (the size of an atom, for example) to extremely large (such as the number of particles in one mole). Nobody, not even chemists, likes dealing with scientific notation (which we cover in Chapter 1) if they don’t have to. For these reasons, chemists often use a metric system prefix (a word part that goes in front of the base unit to indicate a numerical value) in lieu of scientific notation. For example, the size of the nucleus of an atom is roughly 1 nanometer across, which is a nicer way of saying image meters across. The most useful of these prefixes are in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Metric System Prefixes










D or da



base unit



1 m





















tip Feel free to refer to Table 2-2 as you do your problems. You may want to earmark this page because after this chapter, we simply assume that you know how many meters are in 1 kilometer, how many grams are in 1 microgram, and so on.

images Q. You measure a length to be 0.005 m. How can this be better expressed using a metric system prefix?

A. 5 mm. 0.005 is image, or 5 mm.

1 How many nanometers are in 1 cm?

2 Your lab partner has measured the mass of your sample to be 2,500 g. How can you record this more nicely (without scientific notation) in your lab notebook using a metric system prefix?

Building Derived Units from Base Units

Chemists aren’t satisfied with measuring length, mass, temperature, and time alone. On the contrary, chemistry often deals in calculated quantities. These kinds of quantities are expressed with derived units, which are built from combinations of base units.

images Q. A physicist measures the density of a substance to be 20 kg/m3. His chemist colleague, appalled with the excessively large units, decides to change the units of the measurement to the more familiar grams per cubic centimeter. What is the new expression of the density?

A. 0.02 g/cm3. A kilogram contains 1,000 (103) grams, so 20 kg equals 20,000 g. Well, 100 cm = 1 m; therefore, image. In other words, there are 1003 (or 106) cubic centimeters in 1 cubic meter. Doing the division gives you 0.02 g/cm3. You can write out the conversion as follows:


3 The pascal, a unit of pressure, is equivalent to 1 newton per square meter. If the newton, a unit of force, is equal to a kilogram-meter per second squared, what is the pascal expressed entirely in basic units?

4 A student measures the length, width, and height of a sample to be 10 mm, 15 mm, and 5 mm, respectively. If the sample has a mass of 0.9 Dg, what is the sample’s density in grams per milliliter?