
Fairway to NEW YORK

Lebendige Landeskunde mit Hörtexten – Englisch A2

• Mit Fairway to New York erfahren Sie allerlei Wissenswertes über die Metropole New York.

Fairway to New York zeigt Ihnen das bekannte New York, aber auch neue Ansichten einer ungewöhnlichen Stadt.

• Übersetzungen helfen Ihnen beim Lesen und Verstehen.

• Enthält alle Texte der Lektüre zum Mit- und Nachhören.




Lebendige Landeskunde

Stacy Dorgan Bentz


Fairway to NEW YORK

Lebendige Landeskunde

Stacy Dorgan Bentz

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Redaktion: Susan Hulström-Karl, Kenzingen
Layout und Herstellung: Zeynep Kathmann
Gestaltung und Satz: Maya Franke, Stuttgart
Reproduktion: Meyle + Müller, Medien-Management, Pforzheim


Liebe Englischlernerin, lieber Englischlerner,

willkommen bei der Lektüre Fairway to NEW YORK, die Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, Ihre Englischkenntnisse auf dem Lernniveau A2 zu festigen.

Ob E-Mail-Austausch, Blog, Stadtbesichtigung oder kurze Stadtgeschichte, alle vier Kapitel enthalten Wissenswertes über die Weltmetropole New York.

Die Texte basieren auf den Vokabeln und der Grammatik, die Sie in Fairway 1 und Fairway 2 gelernt haben.

Zur Lektüre gehören auch Hördateien mit allen Texten. Somit können Sie britisches und amerikanisches Englisch hören und Ihre Aussprache verbessern.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß und Erfolg mit Fairway to NEW YORK!

Fairway Team


1You’ll love it!

2New York City for Beginners

3A Tour of the Big Apple

4Between America and the World

1 You’ll love it!

Audio 1     

image From: Maria Meier

To: Simon Gates


Dear Simon,

Do you remember me? You were my English teacher at the VHS two years ago. I really enjoyed your lessons. We were all sorry when you went back to America.

Anyway, you always said the best way to learn English was to visit an English speaking country. And now, that’s what I’m doing! A friend of the family is going to New York for a year and my husband, Frank, and I want to visit her next summer. We usually go on holiday to France or Italy, so this trip is a big adventure for us.

I know you’re not from New York, but I think you live there now. Is that right? Do you mind if I ask you some questions?

I hope you and your family are well. It would be great to hear from you.

Best wishes
Maria Meier

image From: Simon Gates

To: Maria Meier

Dear Maria,

Thank you for your e-mail. It’s great to hear from you and it’s great that you’re coming to New York City next year! I’m sure you’ll love it. Of course I can answer your questions. I know New York very well.
What do you want to know?

Best regards

PS: Your English is very good now.


Audio 2    

image From: Maria Meier

To: Simon Gates

Dear Simon,

Thank you for your quick reply. Actually, my English isn’t that good, but my husband speaks it very well. He’s helping me with my e-mails.

I’ve got so many questions, but perhaps you can tell me about the weather first. When is the best time to visit New York? What’s August like? Or would June be better? And what clothes should I bring in summer? Is it very hot?

Look forward to hearing from you.

image From: Simon Gates

To: Maria Meier

Dear Maria,

Good questions! Well, in New York the weather is very different during each season and can be extreme. For example, it can be very hot in the summer. Temperatures are about 80° Fahrenheit (that’s about 28° Celsius) – sometimes even hotter. The buildings, streets and sidewalks bake in the sun all day. And the subway stations are like ovens.

In the winter it can be cold and windy and it sometimes snows a lot. Then the city looks so clean and white and is quiet for a short time. Spring and fall (that’s American English for autumn) aren’t usually too hot or too cold, but we often have rain.

If you want to go sightseeing, you should come in the fall because it’s not so hot then. Also, Central Park is beautiful in the fall. The temperatures are really nice during the day, but you should bring warm clothes and a coat for the evenings.

Luckily, you can wear almost anything in New York. Jeans and T-shirts are OK during the day, but in the evening New Yorkers usually dress up to go out. So, bring something nicer to wear if you want to go out to restaurants, bars or the theatre. And of course, comfortable shoes are essential for walking around New York.

Is that any help?

Best regards



Audio 3    

image From: Maria Meier

To: Simon Gates

Good morning Simon!