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All events and characters in this novel are fictional. Any similarities to actual events or persons living or dead are purely coincidental.


Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 7th January 2018

Chapter 1 – Who Are You when Everything Ends?

Chapter 2 – There Are Angels in My Life Now

Chapter 3 – How I Came to Jamaica

Chapter 4 – Jamaica – One Love

Chapter 5 – Loving People

Chapter 6 – Jamaican Truth

Chapter 7 – If You Follow Love

Chapter 8 – The Rock

Chapter 9 – An Unexpected European Hummingbird

Chapter 10 – It’s So Nice Talking to You

Chapter 11 – Goodbye, Te Moana

Chapter 12 – Are You Ready to Love Unconditionally?

Chapter 13 – No Questions

Chapter 14 – Daniel – The Other Man

Chapter 15 – Why Me?

Chapter 16 – Shall I Allow It?

Chapter 17 – No Problem

Chapter 18 – When Your Heart Opens

Chapter 19 – Finding the Essence

Chapter 20 – Trouble in Paradise

Chapter 21 – Love Will Always Find a Way

Chapter 22 – Wake Up and Live

Chapter 23 – Can You Love Just On(c)e?

Chapter 24 – Receiving Heavenly Gifts

Chapter 25 – What Happens in Seven Months

Chapter 26 – Breathe and Love

Chapter 27 – Angel’s Kiss

Chapter 28 – A Day with the Angels

Chapter 29 – Soon Come

Chapter 30 – The Horseman

Chapter 31 – Freezing Point

Chapter 32 – No Love without Truth

Chapter 33 – I’m a Mother

Chapter 34 – The Love of Fish

Chapter 35 – One Love – Without Sugarcoating

My Wish

About the Author

Translated from German into English by Angelika Taubmann


We all are wounded, deeply hurt. Is that true? Do we even have a soul that is born with a wound? Some say so. My answer to this question is my story.

My name is Viola. I’m one of these women who do everything as it is expected to be. I care for others, clean my teeth twice a day and whenever I get approached by someone, I smile.

Everything was fine until … well, until my wound became visible. I personally believe that this happens to everyone. Sooner or later. At that very moment we become the real versions of ourselves.

If your wound hasn’t become visible yet, it’s possible you’re living in a cocoon. Just like I did, in the old days. Sometimes I wish I could return there. But, that’s not the way it is.

I’m Viola. I’m sitting in front of my notebook. My energetic system is trying to cope with a time lag of six hours, starting at CET (Central European Time) and arriving at EST (Eastern Standard Time).

I’m in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and everything is smelling moist. Odors have no chance of hiding here. The humidity reveals them. Even the wood smells like freshly ploughed earth. There’s nothing hidden. And that’s a good thing, it gives me a feeling of security.

I moved into this cottage by the sea, where insects make music during the night, yesterday evening. I’d discovered it online.

Sometimes life just tells you: Now! Yeah! And then – you just do it.

Now I’m here in the home of an artist. She isn’t among the living anymore – corporeal, that is. Her daughter is maintaining the house. But, the spirit of Annabelle is still there and utterly vivid so. The veils between the worlds are thin. Every single item in this house breathes beauty, even the umbrella stand. There are flowers on the table next to me that smell like the colour purple.

Have you ever felt the proximity of another entity who, although invisible, deeply affected you? This is what my story is about. How to discover an invisible world beyond the visible one.

Yes, I’m searching for love. Show me one person who isn’t. For a love that is ruled by the invisible. To meet the invisible is very frightening, but it also brings forth miracles. I know the fragrance of miracles. Here, in Jamaica, you can smell it. It’s humid and saturated with sun.

Annabelle, the former owner of the cottage, used to run an art gallery just a few steps from here. Harmony Hall, the pictures on display selected with love, pictures painted by Jamaican artists. The cottage walls are covered with them as well. One is a miniature of an everyday scene and there are horses in it, too. That makes me laugh a lot because they are the very beings who brought the invisible into my life: horses.

I’m an artist myself, a person living in dreams and there is no place on earth that could make me feel more at home than Annabelle’s house. Far away from my life in Europe where the odors aren’t as naked as here.

I’m searching for a place I can call home. Have been searching for several years, in fact. Since I lost my home, my family, my children, my horse. This is my story. A journey fueled by a yearning and the one question: Is it possible to find love again once you have been bereaved of it? Or will fear dominate?

I’ve lost my home, the feeling of being safe, I’ve lost everything I knew and was familiar with. Since then, fear has been my constant companion.

I don’t bemoan fear. Although it is an overpowering feeling and has been controlling the course my story, it keeps bearing miracles. It made me come to Jamaica, to Annabelle’s cottage in Ocho Rios.

Fear is the gate to truth. Every single one of us will stand in front of this gate, sooner or later. In front of the gate to truth, and this moment in time will be the one to reveal our deepest secret.

The wound I carry is loneliness. I’m like a horse that has been separated from its herd, searching in blind panic for my fellows. For some horses it’s not a big problem to be on their own, but others are doomed. I’m of the latter, I almost died from it.

Will I find love, the one love? “One Love – One Heart,” goes the saying of the Jamaicans, “One Love – One Heart,” the song of Bob Marley.

There is only one kind of love. One Love. And I want to find it.



“Why did Hemingway commit suicide anyway? I mean, his writing is immortal, he could’ve been proud of himself.”

“Please stop asking questions like these, it’s depressing.”

“No, it’s good, it’s helping me to put an end to everything. Just imagine – you’re in good company … Hemingway, good God.”

“How did he do it?”

“Shot himself. With a shotgun he called ‘my sleek, brown lover’.”

“How on earth do you know things like that?”

“Ideas. Just looking for ideas.”

These are the dialogues we had that night. It was friggin’ cold, it was raining, the water was running down our faces. But we were there, nevertheless.

Frankfurt, on the rooftop of a skyscraper. A miracle had caused that situation. Yes, a miracle. That was three years ago. A miracle coming in the form of Michi. He was the janitor of this high-rise housing banks and insurances and he had the keys to open the steel door. There is no other way to reach those rooftops. And! The next miracle: Michi was as determined as were we. Otherwise it would never have worked.

I just thought: Never before in my whole life has fate played into my hands in such a way.

Everything had come to an end. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you the actual detail of what happened. I just cannot go there. I just cannot write it down, even if three years have passed in the meantime. It’s too … I just cannot do it. Maybe later. Just one thing: They were gone. The father and his two children. My children, my husband. Dead. An accident. I could only think of one thing: I want to go there where you already are, my family. But it wasn’t that easy. I didn’t have the strength. I didn’t have enough strength to walk across the rainbow bridge. I didn’t have the strength to live, much less to die. That was three years ago. I could only pray that a divine power might help me.

And then … you know how it is. Suddenly it’s there. And you know: Now! Yes! A miracle! This Facebook-group named “Wenn alles zu Ende geht” – “When everything ends“ popping up on my monitor just like that. I’ve no idea which hobbies or cookies or apps led to their finding me; no idea in what state of mind I was when I clicked “join”.

And this is how it worked: Michi was the moderator. Wanted to check who I was, for a start. Via Facebook chat. “Hey, Viola, we are on our way to paradise. How about you?”

Me: “Yeah, sure – me too.”

Michi: “We are convinced about the fact that it’s to be found beyond the commonly known reality.”

Me (thinking): That’s a cult? They’re using drugs? Some sort of sex-obsessed people …? I honestly tell Michi that I’m way to wiped out to consider things like this. But then I learn that “Who are you when everything ends?” is about a group of people who are tired of living. Just like me. Thus, I’m approved to join the group.

And then … the second miracle. They already have a specific plan. Michi, the group’s moderator, is in possession of the key to reach a rooftop of a high-rise in the City of Frankfurt where there is a certain spot from which one can jump down and land on a fenced speck of lawn. This way, you won’t crash onto anybody’s head. That’s just brilliant, isn’t it!?

I’m sorry for having to paint pictures like this, but I need you to understand where I’m coming from, what roads I’ve travelled so far. I just can’t help writing everything down, for I believe it’s the only way to get closure.

And now I’m sitting here in beautiful Jamaica. And so many of you already read the text I wrote yesterday and left genuine comments and kind sentences in Facebook and on my blog site and maybe, just maybe I will be able to deal with life after all. Even if it’s somehow …

Well, I learned in Michi’s Facebook group that it’s not too easy to cross that boundary to the other reality, that is, to walk across the rainbow bridge like Hemingway did, arm in arm with his sleek, brown lover.

Who are you when everything ends? That was the welcome-question of the Facebook group. “I’m Viola, I’m an artist and this journey to paradise is right up my alley. I’m fed up with everything here and you have planned a classy goodbye. Count me in!”

It was friggin’ cold, it was raining, there were five of us. The Facebook group named “When everything ends“ had a total of 59 members. But now, here on the rooftop, there were only five of us. Michi, Alex, Hannah, Severin and me.

My heart leapt into my throat. How many of us would arrive together on the other side? You need to know that my greatest fear of all is to be alone and thereof to die alone. And would I be all alone on the other side? Or would I see them again? Oliver and the children?

No, I wouldn’t die alone. That was the third miracle: I would not die alone – that was just too unlikely. There were five of us. I wouldn’t be alone when I finally climbed up Jacob’s ladder.

Every single time I think of that night, my internal systems crash. I’m not sure if I can put you through this. But that’s also an excuse because, to be honest, I’m not sure if I have it in me to write it down.

In Jamaica, dusk arrives at half past five p.m. and doesn’t stay long. When the first insect starts to sing, you know the time has come. Just this minute, I’ve heard it. The darkness frightens me. Not the dark of Jamaica, I can deal with that one. But the darkness of my memories. I was here in JA (brief for Jamaica – everyone here uses it) for the first time two years ago. That was shortly after I had set forth on my journey to paradise, back then on top of the high-rise. And now I’ve started to write about it. But first, I need to make myself some tea and catch my thoughts. The tea is called Detox. It smells like recently harvested grass. I bought it at Progressive Foods, the supermarket in downtown Ocho Rios, yesterday.

The scent of Progressive Foods, the supermarket, is very subdued because of its aircon. It mainly accentuates the scent of the cleansers. Nevertheless, Progressive is paradise on earth for someone like me. Why?

Because nobody, or almost nobody, has the same skin color than me. That’s incredibly soothing. I’m not afraid of the people here. Their skin color is different from those people who surrounded me when my heart was crushed. The Detox tea tastes good, it comes from paradise.

Yesterday, after I had written the first chapter of the book, I hit on the idea to create a blog and thus enable the readers to read along. Wow! There are so many comments in Facebook and the blog. I’m crying inwardly because I’m not alone. And suddenly I remember that I dreamed of a certain person the night before I went to the airport to go to Jamaica. A person who wrote a text in Facebook. The dream was about a theatre play with horses. So, I’m telling myself that this story is some kind of theatre play with horses as well. I’m a writer and usually I write about horses. This time, however, I’m writing about myself.

So, what happened that night in Frankfurt on top of the high-rise? Five people on their way across the rainbow bridge.

Severin – lawyer, soon to be divorced, three children, affluent family and a broken heart. With the wind blowing in such a fierce way, he is bending his knees and clinging to the waist-high balustrade.

“If we aren’t careful, the wind will blow us away before we can do it ourselves.” That’s just his humor. Who are you when everything ends?

“All I ever wanted on this earth,” Severin had written in FB, “was to find my one. I’ve found this woman and we have three children, but now she’s gone. And I will never know why.”

There were no comments on that post. Well, what’s there to write? That’s not to say that nobody was affected by it. There were just no comments.

Hannah – ran her career into the ground and really hates her job (as it would take about ten minutes to explain said job, I won’t bother with it). Burnout, five years filled with talk therapy, daily meditations, two craniosacral treatments per week … futile efforts, every single one. Who am I when everything ends?

“I know that there is something better waiting for me someplace,” Hannah had posted, “I’m just not sure anymore if that place is here on this earth. In fact, I’m quite certain it’s not.

“Quite certain is not enough,” was the comment of someone who is not with us on this rooftop today. Hannah, on the other hand, is. She doesn’t make promises easily.

“I don’t fit into a world in which people keep promising things they actually don’t intend to keep,” she once wrote to me privately. “I’ve lost my job because for me it was always about the sake of the matter. For the others it was about power.”

Hannah weighed at least 150 kilos. She couldn’t be easily swept away by the storm. She had jet-black hair and snow-white skin. In a fairy tale and weighing 100 kilos less, she would have been the perfect Snow White. A princess. It’s very sad that the people in this world have so few dreams. In a world with more room for dreams she surely would have found her prince.

And then there’s me – a writer with her fear of loneliness. I cannot write anymore since my family is gone, since they died, were killed in that accident. Strictly speaking, since the wonderful picture of our family was painted over with this giant, shit-colored paintbrush. From that day on, the world hasn’t been a fairy tale anymore, no longer a dream. And without a dream it’s ugly, evil and cruel. And only now, that I’ve woken from that dream of life, I realize how many people are constantly forced to live in this cold, ugly and cruel world, unable to slip into a dream, contrary to me as an author. As I used to do when I still could dream. As I used to do when I still could write. After the accident had occurred, I couldn’t write nor dream anymore. No idea where those dreams had gone.

The wind hurt, forced the cold into my pores and tears to my eyes. I felt like I’d been gutted. I wouldn’t be able to take that very long, that fucking icy cold on top of that bloody high-rise. I would just go, one or another way. But certainly not back into that cold, ugly and cruel life.

And then there was Alex – in her mid-twenties, beautiful like a Madonna straight from the Renaissance period. She was hopelessly in love with a married woman twenty years her senior. Who am I when everything ends? Her lover had informed Alex that divorce was not an option.

No shared future. A life so cruel and ugly. Who am I when everything ends?

“It’s a miracle that I’ve met a person I can love this much,” Alex posted. “That’s more than I’ve ever expected from life. I know for certain that such a thing will never happen again. The rest of my life would just be an ongoing disappointment.”

No comments.

It’s not that the members of the Facebook group wouldn’t have fancied writing. There were lots of posts about last recipes, last performances of church choirs and last visits to the movies. But when truth had its say, when it was about the question: Who are you when everything ends? – then everybody just knew that every single word would be futile.

Maybe that’s the difference between a person still hesitating and a determined one. The determined one can sum up the truth in one single sentence and that truth will silence everything. A person still talking and telling stories will live on. The world of a person still talking and posting recipes isn’t ugly, cold and cruel.

Even in that ghastly and friggin’ cold storm Alex was stunning. She was glowing from within. She clung to Hannah’s 150 kilos – a sight I will never forget. It looked like Hannah had brought her personal angel, suddenly corporeal in the storm.

And then Michi – in his early sixties, bald head, moustache, eyes like the leader of a pack of wolves. Michi is such an incredibly good person, it just makes you doubt

mankind for being responsible for his wanting to leave. It’s always a bad sign if the best one’s want to go. I hadn’t really realized that before the night I met him in person. You only had to look into his eyes to look right into his soul which was too pure, too fragile to cope with this ugly and cruel world. Had I still been able to dream, I would have made him a character in a novel. Maybe I would’ve succeeded in bringing him back into the dream that can be found on this world. But there would have been a legacy. Michi defied the storm. He was a rock. A rock with a broken soul. Who are you when everything ends?

“All I ever wanted was to be of service to the people. But servants just get trampled on, exploited and laughed at. Nowadays everyone is a Lord, there are no servants anymore. This is my last duty.”

That’s what Michi posted. No comments.

Who are you when everything ends? I’m asking you. Yeah, you. What’s your truth when there’s nothing left to comment on? And how do you make your stand against the storm on the rooftop of the high-rise? What is it that crushes your soul? Maybe you don’t have an answer to that right here and now, but someday you will have one. That will be a good moment because you will know that everything is ending. And then, something new will begin – whatever this may be.

To this day, I don’t know what happened to Severin, Hannah, Alex and Michi. Because at that evening I left the cold, ugly and cruel world. A miracle, which I would never have expected, happened. A miracle beyond my wildest dreams. I’ll tell you more about it in the following chapter. But first I need another detox tea.

Just one more thing: I have a feeling that I will see them again, my comrades who abided the storm with me: Michi, Alex, Severin and Hannah. When the time is right.



I feel confused and amazed. I just had a look into the blog and found some really touching comments there and lots of comments in Facebook.

Marietta Tango writes: “I don’t know what happened to Viola so that she lost everything she loved. But I had to suffer the same experience. All this grief. To this day, I feel it. Over and over I feel its throwback.”

Or Nirupa: ”And as every wound hardens our hearts, it now exposes itself, layer by layer, to be seen and to be felt … Life says: Come home, come home at last …”

I’m astonished at the extent of how the readers of the novel perceive and sense the topic already after the first pages. I’ve been writing my whole life, lots of books, and the writing has always been a very lonely experience. Me and the story with the potential reader far away. And suddenly … It’s a peculiar feeling. I’m not alone with my story anymore. I invited the readers and they came. Thank you, my dear readers. I don’t know what to say. I’m filled with wonder.

I’m just coming back from a stroll through the area of Te Moana. Me and my small notebook that always accompanies me in case I’m hit by a lightning stroke of inspiration. And what did I do? I sketched the shape of the leaves. Perhaps you have a gum tree at home? You need to picture it like this: There are gum trees in inconceivable variety here. There are no apple trees, cherry trees, fir trees or elders. There are leaves as big as a towel, creased like a pleated skirt. And scrubs sprouting a myriad of those green pleated skirts.

Next to those there is a palm tree with a trunk thin like a match and tall like the neck of a giraffe. On the very top of it there’s a bunch of fans exploding into all directions like fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Down on the ground grows a palm tree with a red and brown trunk and leaves so giant-sized you could go boating on them.

Nirupa writes “Come home, come home at last.” Yes, I’ve felt this sensation of “coming home” when I strolled through the gardens of Te Moana, right after I had sketched all those beautiful shapes. Eventually, it was a leave not bigger than a thumb. Just a small, elongated leave, lying on the ground next to various other ones the trees had shed. It’s attracting my attention because of its neon green color. This color, the radiance of this color, affects me in a peculiar way. As if someone spilled a paint pot inside of me. It touches something. This is me.

I remember having the same sensation about the wallpaper in my nursery: Never ending copies of Mary Poppins covering the complete wall. The color back then was pink. Her umbrella was pink. Whenever I see these colors, a door will open for me.

It’s as if I stepped out of the skin of one world and into the one of another. And then I feel like I’m home. Home is a hidden realm underneath the surface, and you can cross its shore by means of a neon green leave in the gardens of Te Moana. There is no pain there and I also don’t have to die to reach this place.

All my life I’ve been searching for this gate. As soon as I’ll find it, everything will be alright.

There are many gates in Jamaica, an abundance of beauty. The wounded version of myself, living in an ugly world, doesn’t exist here. The beauty of this Garden of Eden in its unimaginable generosity embraces me. And it comforts me.

Three years ago, that night on top of the high-rise in Frankfurt, I went through such a gate. I had planned to be dead but I am not. I will step through that gate again, this time with words. The words will protect me. I went through this gate and discovered an unknown and new world. A world that had me confused and enchanted at the same time.

People say that once the pain becomes too excruciating, something unexpected will happen to help you survive.

Three years back: I’m standing at the very edge of the rooftop. I’m ready. The storm is so fierce up here that I’m sure the next strong gust will carry me away with it. I put my life into the hands of the wind. Now, at this very moment. It’s no longer in my own hands. That moment – I can feel it again, it’s very close. The cold, the water running down my face. I’ve got a runny nose, I need a tissue. Can anyone hand me a tissue? I can’t see the others any longer. Where are they? Michi, Severin, Hannah and Alex – where are they? I can’t worry about them right now. Any moment can be the one for me to leave this world. Now I know how it feels. I’ve let go. It’s freedom. It’s the same sensation as … the phone call.

The doctor, speaking English with a strong accent. I could feel that he was very busy and very tired and that he had to tell me something he would’ve preferred to avoid telling me. It takes a lot of strength to be the bearer of news like this. I could feel it in the way how tired his voice sounded. I could feel that he was all alone with no one in his life to comfort him after he had to deliver such terrible news. News that drive the people concerned into loneliness, a loneliness they cannot survive. I cannot exactly remember the words he said, but I knew immediately that there was no hope left. That it was the end. They would never come back to this world, Oliver and my children.

And now on the rooftop, in the hands of the storm, in the fuckin’ cold, it was just the same: There was nothing I could do. The wind had taken over. I was standing there, my knees pressed against the balustrade, my upper body like a blade of grass in the wind. I felt this freedom. I was one with the wind. The wind had taken command over me. I relented more and more, waiting for the moment when I’d lose my footing and just fall. Down …

And then the storm ceased. Why? Why now? Damn! I had been ready to go. Why didn’t it sweep me away? Why did I have to take care about everything myself, again? Why couldn’t I even manage such a simple task like a jump over a balustrade on top of a freaking high-rise?

“We can help you,” I heard someone speak behind me. Michi? Severin? It was a male voice. “But you have to give your consent first,” the voice continued.

“I’m okay with whatever it is,” I replied, pissed off. “I’m sick and tired of this shit here! I just want to leave!” I think it was a first for me to talk to anybody in such a pissed way.

“How I hate this,” the voice said. “It takes years to clean up this whole mess. The hole that’s ripped by this action. Gosh, why did they have to send me again?”

I was confused. Who was talking to me like that? “No, I’m not willing to play these mind games. I want to go!”

The wind, that bloody traitor, just backtracked. I could even see a piece of cloudless sky, straight above me. And I swear: I saw someone there. A being of some kind with blurred lines and it …

It was speaking and I heard it say: “For cryin’ out loud, just make her sign the contract. You’re a complete failure.”

“I’m done,” I say. “Until I’m dead, I’ll certainly not sign any contract whatsoever.”

I feel that the guy who talked to me is still standing behind me, but I won’t turn around.

“How I hate this,” he says again, and I have a feeling he’s going to tap on my shoulder any moment. “Please sign,” he says. But he really sounds like a loser. It’s his voice. Nobody would sign a contract because of him.

And then, something very strange happens. I can totally understand if you think you’ve lost me when you read the following.

The rooftop, the high-rise, the cold, the storm and the dark are suddenly gone. I’m somewhere else … but where exactly am I? It’s bright and warm and completely silent. There is noise, of course, but the noise is also silent. It feels like a place somewhere between heaven and earth.

I sign a contract, knowing its contents without having to read it. This is how it works here: you just know, you just do. The contract says that I’m surrendering my life into the hands of the angels. I look around. They are so beautiful – angels. Bright white they are made of light and they have wings. They don’t have a clearly defined shape, no body like we human beings. Although I can perceive them as distinctly outlined shapes, I know that’s just my personal perspective. They are made of light. I sign the contract.

I’m so very happy to be here. I’m not alone anymore. I even have the feeling that I will never again be alone, now that I’ve met them. This moment is so wonderful, and I want to stay forever. I’m so curious.

I recognize the angel who was with me on the rooftop, his sad face, even if I’ve never seen it. But it’s fitting the voice. It was him who handed me the contract.

“Who’s responsible for her?” I hear someone asking. A remarkable crowd has rallied around me, appearing like a congregation of medical specialists who’ve come to find out what my problem might be.

“She’s from an old line,” says one of them. “She really is totally exhausted.“

I feel like I’m scanned by them, the angels around me, that is. And I think I hear a sigh from the one from the roof, despite everything happening in complete silence. As if he is thinking: Okay … difficult case.

“Condemned,” some of them exclaim, turning away from me as if they saw something sorely horrible.

“She is completely infested.”

“To the last pore.”

“That’s a rare thing.”

“He’s ensnared her.”

“I'm afraid so!”


It goes on and on like that. You need to know that angels don’t talk like we do, that is, with a human voice and human words. That’s just the way I’m perceiving it. But they do mean it like that. It’s kind of translated inside my head. Be that as it may, they see something inside of me they find very shocking, as if they discovered malign cancer. But it has a somehow calming effect on me because I trust them. And maybe they can find the solution. I’m just happy to be here. It’s no longer cold and my pain has just vanished.

“What happened?” I hear them say.

“Look at her. He’s ensnared her.”

I don’t know, what they’re talking about. Who is he? And how has he ensnared me?”

Suddenly there is a great commotion. They seem to sense something that I’m not able to see. But I have a feeling that it’s got something to do with me.

I hear them shouting “Oh my God!” although they wouldn’t express it like this, of course. Or would they? After all, they work for Him. That’s what I’d always thought, at least.

“She is like a feast for him. To get one like her.”

Hm, I don’t know. A feast? Me? And for whom?

“She’s utterly infested. That’s out of our depth.”

It’s getting more and more mysterious by the second. The angel from the roof seems to be relieved. He’s not the only one with a problem here. But why am I such a problem? Even for the angels?

Now a file is passed around. Energetical, you know. Energetical pass-the-file. They put a seal on it which indicates something like highest level of difficulty. Even if I cannot really read it, I just know it, like I know everything here somehow. Now it’s official and they’re all shaking their heads.

I see the file ending up on the desk of archangel Michael. How I would know it’s him? You just know it when you see him. I recognize him at once although I hadn’t ever seen him before and was only vaguely aware of his mere existence.

He scans the file. Archangel Michael! I stand in awe of him. He is incredibly beautiful. His light is beautiful, radiating, as if you selected the most beautiful colors in the world –  purple, turquoise, magenta and the green of the leave I found this morning – and used only their very essence, their light. The result would be archangel Michael. The most impressive about him are his wings. They are like the wings of a million of swans illuminated by the light of the morning sun.

The other angels surround him and look at him in awe, just like I do.

“This case will be a useful lesson for all of you,” he tells them. “She is precious to us. She needs special care. Do you understand?”

They nod.

These two sentences are taking hold onto me. “She is precious to us. She needs special care.”

The next thing I hear is a grisly noise coming from the deep. The light draws back, and the angels suddenly look like they’re feeling cold. And then I see him. At first, it’s just like a cluster of dark energy but then, for only a fraction of a moment, I see a hideous face. I cannot really give a detailed description of this situation because right at that moment I didn’t feel anything at all. All I can say is that He is ugly and that there is absolutely nothing amiable about him. I hear him laugh.

I wake up the next morning and I’m at home, lying in my bed. In the very flat I used to live in together with my family and that is empty now. Only the furniture, the clothes, the notebooks – in other words, the things that belonged to their lives – are still there.

I don’t remember how I got home last night, back from the rooftop. If somebody took me, human being or angel. My wet clothes are lying on the floor.

Something is different. I’m different. I’m not alone anymore. I have angels in my life now. Archangel Michael, who is now taking care of me. To whom I’m precious. And I’ve signed a contract saying that I must follow their instructions from now on. That’s the deal. They protect me and I follow their instructions.

I wonder if anyone else can understand any of this. Can you, dear reader? Do you have angels in your life? Did they offer you a contract, too? Did you sign it?

Have you ever been to a place knowing what’s going on although you shouldn’t be able to know? If yes, then maybe you can understand my words.

Or maybe you cannot. How could you if you haven’t had this experience, yet? It’s not important, anyway.

Out of all of this, there’s only one important thing: I’m not alone anymore. I have angels in my life now.
