
Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

The Artist

by Lee Dorsey

ISBN: 978-1-942331-34-6

A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

Copyright © 2015, All rights reserved

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

For information contact:

Pink Flamingo Publications

P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


Chapter One

The Marquis de Sade once said, “Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.”

As a disciple of the Marquis, I subscribe to his philosophy. My name is Adele Noel. I am the only child of Reginald Noel, the multibillion dollar heir of Steel fame. A trust fund was setup for me when I was born. The entire ten million dollars of that fund will become available to me when I graduate from the University I am presently attending in Paris.

I’m twenty one years old, I stand at five foot, five inches in my stocking feet and I weigh in at one hundred and ten pounds. I have black hair and a curvy build. My friends are always telling me I should be a model based on my looks. Art is my major in college. After I graduate, I intend to move back to New York and purchase some property in the SOHO section of that city. I intend to have my own studio.

When I was eighteen, I discovered something about myself. I have a dominant personality. My best friend, Fran, roomed with me when I moved to Paris. She is a very attractive brunette with a body that doesn’t quit. Living in close proximity to Fran, I also learned that I had a sexual attraction toward her. Within a short period of time, we were sleeping together. Fran has been very submissive and would let me sexually experiment with her.

When I took an art class in anatomy, I was exposed to the male body. I would get turned on while painting them. One particular male model, Serge, I found to be especially attractive. I approached him one day after class and inquired if he was for hire outside of the class. Serge was studying to be an actor. He said that he would do anything for the right price. That was music to my ears. I hired him on the spot. Money to me was something I used to get what I wanted. I wanted Serge.

I arranged a time for Serge to come to my condo. I rushed home and informed Fran. I worked out a diabolical plan. Under the pretense of having Serge model, I intended to proposition him to have sex with Fran and me. Fran reminded me that she had never had sex with a man. I put her anxieties to rest when I assured her that this was going to be my first time as well.

“It will be a learning experience for both of us. This is something that we owe ourselves to experience. You’ll love this man, he’s beautiful,” I promised her.

I instructed Fran to wear a bathrobe with nothing on under it. I intended to wear a smock that would cover my nude body that was hiding beneath it as well.

When Serge arrived, I greeted him. I showed him to my studio where he could take off his clothes and get prepared to model. After a few minutes, he emerged from the studio wearing a robe. He walked into the living area where Fran and I were having a glass of wine. I introduced him to Fran. I explained that she is my biggest critic. “She always sits in on my sessions when I’m painting a model.” Fran and I finished the wine. We all proceeded back to the studio.

I had Serge stand on the pedestal. I removed the robe he was wearing. Fran’s eyes fell on his cock. Serge was very well endowed. I did a visual measurement and estimated the length to be around six inches in its relaxed position. The girth of it was thicker than that of the average model I had observed in the class. He was packing solid equipment to pleasure women. I intended to experience that equipment before the night was over.

Fran sat in a chair in back of my easel with a look of lust in her eyes. I pretended to begin to sketch something on the canvas. After a few minutes, I approached Serge and began to physically pose him. Having my hands on his body, I could feel my lubricant begin to run down my legs. Eventually, I decided to end the pretention. I looked up at him.

“The actual reason I asked you here this evening was to proposition you to go to bed with my roommate and myself. I’ll be honest with you. Neither of us has ever been to bed with a man. We’re curious and horny. I’ll pay you whatever amount you required to perform for us. What do you say? Are you alright with this?” I asked.

He took a minute and smiled. “I had a feeling that you’re inviting me here was going to be more than just having me pose for art. You have been painting me for the past week in your class. The thought crossed my mind when you asked me to come here and pose that it seemed redundant.” He took another short pause. “I’ll go to bed with the two of you for two hundred American dollars.”

“If we have a successful evening and you please us, I’ll give you a bonus,” I said.

“My body is now at your service.”

I took him by one hand and Fran took the other. We directed him to the master bedroom. Fran walked around the other side of the bed. We pulled down the covers. I instructed Serge to get into the bed. Fran got in bed from the other side. She lay down next to him. I sat down next to the bed in a chair.

“I would like to begin with you going down on Fran. I’m going to watch for a while.” Serge leaned into Fran and kissed her. He rolled over and positioned his leg between hers. Then he moved down to her breasts and began to briefly lick each one. Then he let his tongue slide down her body. He spent a short time licking her inner thighs before he moved his mouth directly into her vulva. During this time, Fran began to react to Serge’s movements. When his lips locked on to her folds, her body raised up to a position where his mouth was tighter into her sex. His tongue located her vagina and he was moving it in and out.

“Find her clit and suck it,” I instructed. I placed my hand between my legs and began to masturbate while watching the action on the bed. I was very familiar with Fran’s body. I could tell when she was on the verge of an orgasm. She was reaching her peak. I leaned over the bed and kissed her while I stroked my clit with my index finger. She was releasing little sounds of pleasure that escaped from her lips. I climbed onto the bed and began to suck her breasts. She was delirious with pleasure. She began to have a series of orgasms. She had placed her hands behind his head and was moving her sex frantically over his face. She finally had one over the top orgasm. The pressure of her intense spasm erupted into a gush of liquid from her vagina. Serge’s face was soaked.

“Stop, I’ve had enough,” she instructed.

He rose up from between her legs slightly. He looked in my direction. Now it was my turn. I reached into the drawer next to the bed and removed a condom. Serge looked up at me and I handed him the condom. “Put this on,” I told him. He rose up on his knees and slid the condom over his cock. It was hard from his sexual encounter with Fran. Looking at that erection really got my juices flowing. I was very much lubricated.

“Now, I want you to lie on your back. I intend to mount you.” He rolled over and moved up in the bed next to Fran. Looking down at that erection, it reminded me of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. It was all white, erect and straight. I threw my leg over him and took that hard organ into my hand. I wanted to feel it move slowly into my tight pussy. He lay there and passively looked up at me. There was something in his eyes that I hadn’t notice before. I was getting the feeling that he truly liked me and was looking forward to future experiences. I moved the head of his cock around my vulva. I let it slide over my clit. I hadn’t even inserted it yet. I was feeling an orgasm on the horizon. I located the hole to my vagina. I let it slowly slip in. It slid past the membrane that labeled me a virgin. A little blood leaked out and onto his leg. He moved up slightly pushing his cock deeper into me. The walls of my vagina had his cock in a death grip. It was the most incredible pleasure I had ever experienced. There was no doubt about it. I wanted this method of fucking to be part of my sexual repertoire.

He began to move. I rose up and down until his cock had completely disappeared. I was incredibly hot and so was he. We were so frantically going at each other; I feared that we might break the bed. I could feel another strange pulsating feeling deep inside me.

He looked up at me and said, “I’m coming.”

As soon as those words left his lips, I had the most incredible orgasm ever. Then I collapsed on top of him. I looked over at Fran. She had been acting as a voyeur during the whole of our session.

“What was it like having his cock inside you?” she inquired.

“It was wonderful. I want to do it again tomorrow night.” I looked down at Serge and he was smiling. Having someone who I had employed to perform was very exciting. I had complete control. Having control was very important to me in everything that I do. He would do whatever I commanded him. That gave me another rush. Fran and I had a sex slave.

After a while, we all got up from the bed and took a shower together. Fran and I put on our bathrobes. Serge got dressed. I paid him and gave him a bonus. We agreed to meet again the next night.

That was the beginning of a nightly sexual get together for the next several weeks. Fran and I would tie Serge to the bed and make him perform on both of us at the same time. After a while, things got kinky. We began experimenting with sex toys. Serge and I tied Fran down on her stomach. Serge entered her from behind, while she orally pleasured me. There were nights when we spent orally pleasuring each other until we were exhausted. The three of us became the hedonistic trio.

One day the three of us met between classes at the University. I asked Serge if there was anyone he might know that we could bring into our little sex club. He suggested several names and said that he would query them. I was especially interested in getting some new candidates that displayed an inducement toward masochism. I also tasked Fran to enquire among her classmates as well. If we could recruit one more guy and an additional two females, it would round out our little group.

In the meantime, after we would have our little sex party in the evening, we would sit around, drink wine and discuss a program once we enlarged our club’s participation.

Fran came to me one day and asked my advice about bringing one of her professors into our group. She said that Professor Rivera was from Spain. She had a contract to be a visiting professor for three years. She had already been at the university for a little over a year. The professor asked Fran to stay after class one day under the pretense of discussing a paper she had written. After they were alone for a period of time, Professor Rivera made her move. She confessed to Fran that she was interested in seeing her outside the class. The reason she made this bold move was because she found Fran to be very sensuous. She also had perceived vibes from her that she may be a lesbian. Fran said she played along and agreed to meet her at a café the next day after classes.

I instructed Fran to be careful. Since Serge and she were recruiting around the university, someone in administration may have been told what we’ve been doing. Professor Rivera may be a plant to find out information.

“Whatever you do, don’t mention what we do in the evenings,” I told her.

“What should I do if she puts a move on me?” she asked.

“Is she pretty?” I inquired.

“Yes, she is very attractive. I would estimate her age to be in the mid-thirties.”

“In that case, let her proposition you. Once you have gone to bed with her, you can invite her to join us.”

The next day, Fran had a class with her. Immediately after the class, Fran and Professor Rivera were going to walk together to the café. In the meantime, I did some asking around about the professor. I learned that her full name is Maria Vanessa Rivera. She received her Ph.D. at the age of twenty-three years in French Literature. She is a tenured professor at the University of Seville. She was put out on loan to our university a little over a year ago. She is now in her second year of teaching here. She is not now nor has she ever been married. Recently, she had a birthday and is now in her thirty sixth year. If this works out with Fran, it may prove interesting to have someone in our group that has more life experience. Time will tell.

Fran wasn’t planning on being with Serge and me this evening. I decided to invite him to dinner. I was developing an attraction for him beside the physical. I wanted to get to learn more about him.

When Serge arrived, I didn’t even let him take off his coat. He said that there were some things he wanted to tell me about the inquiries he had made today. There were several restaurants within walking distance from my condo. I asked Serge if there was one particular one he could recommend.

“Yes. I would recommend the Lounge Royal Restaurant. It’s located on the Champs Elysees near the Arc of Triumph.”

“That’s within walking distance. Let’s go.” We walked the several blocks to the restaurant. When we arrived, the Maitre d recognized me from dining there in the past. I was an especially good tipper. He seated us in a very advantageous table. We ordered drinks and began to look over the menu. When our drinks arrived, we placed our order. I began to query Serge about his inquiries at the university today. He said that he approached two women who he knew were in a lesbian relationship. They indicated they were interested in meeting with us.

“I told them I would get back to them after I met with you,” he said. “They asked me if I was one of the participants. When I told them I was, they said that they were about to approach me about meeting with them. I’ve known both of them for more than a year. They are in my theater program.”

“What do they look like?” I inquired.

“They are young, thin and pretty. If I didn’t know their sexual orientation, I would have been tempted to ask one of them out on a date. Now, I guess, I’ll get to experience both of them.”

I got a feeling of jealously. Serge and I weren’t an item, but I have been having sex with him these past few months. I decided to share my feelings for him. “I want you to know something. Over the past months, I’ve become very fond of you. Do you have any feeling for me or am I just a convenient employer?”

He took a pause and then he said. “I have found having sex with you is more than just the physical act. I must tell you that’s how it is with Fran, but not with you.” He took a slight pause. “I have to level with you. Something has come up recently, that may interfere with my coming over for the next few months. As you know, I am a theater major. As part of that program, I am required to audition for the fall play. Even if I don’t get cast in one of the major rolls, I will still be required to participate in a small roll or do supporting staff work on the production. I’ll try to spend as much time as my calendar will allow. I will miss our nightly meetings.”

Not having these meetings will put a deficit in my life. I looked forward to them. Not having Serge participating will take a certain amount of excitement out of the meetings for me. “I want you to know something. I have enjoyed what I’ve had with Fran and you over the past weeks. I have especially enjoyed my time with you. You were the first man in my life that I looked forward to seeing on a regular basis. I don’t know what that means exactly, but it must mean something.”

We finished our dinner and had a few more drinks. Then we walked back to my condo. I wanted to get Serge in bed for a one on one. Every time in the past we had sex, Fran was always there.

“I don’t expect to get paid tonight,” he said as he was taking off his clothes. “The dinner was payment enough. Besides, I want to, for once, just concentrate on just making love to you. When Fran was with us, I felt an obligation to please her as well.”

He picked me up in his arms and laid me on the bed. He parted my legs and climbed in. We kissed with a sincere passion. He moved down my body and spent a considerable time sucking the nipples on my breasts. I was beginning to secrete liquid from my vagina in anticipation of having his mouth lock on my vulva. He gave me little kisses and bites on my inner thighs. I was going crazy expecting the touch of his tongue. With his hand, he moved aside my pubic hair and locked his lips on my clit. My body immediately went into an orgasmic spasm. His oral maneuvers should be taught in a sex class. I wanted to feel his cock in me. I reached down and took his head between my hands and signaled for him to move up. When the head of his cock touched the sensitive lips of my vulva, I began to orgasm before he even entered me. I took his cock in my hand and guided it between the folds. It rubbed against my clit as it slid in. I could feel the muscles deep within my body take hold of it. We were throbbing in unison. He would slowly slide out as my body would rise up to receive him back into the depth of my vaginal cavity. As he continued this movement, he rose up and took one of my breasts into his mouth. The two sensations were launching me into a euphoric orgasm. This was the epitome of any sexual pleasure I had ever received in the past. He announced that he was going to come. Those words in my ear resulted in my having multi orgasms. When the frenzy subsided, we lay together in a satisfied tranquility.

The next day, I didn’t want to get out of bed. All of my energy was spent from the night before. Finally, I dragged my body out and drove to a late class. I ran into Fran in the cafeteria. I inquired how her night with the professor turned out.

“After we had two hours of sex, she confessed that she thought she was falling in love with me. I asked her if she had ever participated in any group sexual activity. She said that she hadn’t, but had fantasies of doing it in the past. I mentioned our little group. I invited her to join us one evening. She said if I was going to be there, she would be interested. She wants to see me again tonight. I told her I would be there. That’s okay with you, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I have some things on my calendar for tomorrow anyway. By the way, Serge isn’t going to be spending time with us tomorrow. He has commitments at the university. Anyway, I’ll see you when I see you.” I left the cafeteria and went to my next class.

That evening, I sent out and had some dinner delivered. When I finished eating, I sat down and began reading a book I had started a few weeks ago. I no sooner read about three pages when a knock came at my door. I looked through the security hole in the door. Standing there was a young man I recognized from the university. I opened the door and he introduced himself.

“My name is Lorenzo. I attend the university. Serge gave me your address and told me to come by this evening. He said you would be all alone and may need some company. He also told me that you are an art student and could possibly use me to model for you.” He took a pause. “Would you be interested in using me for this evening?”

I opened the door wider and let him come in. I was feeling somewhat horny, so I thought I would put him to the test. “I’m not so much interested in having you model, but I could use your sexual talents. I would like to ask you a few questions.”

“I would be glad to answer any questions you put to me.”

“Good. First I want to ensure that you are not a virgin. Secondly, when was the last time you were checked for STD’s, and third, do you consider yourself dominate or submissive?”

“I can assure you I am not a virgin. As a matter of record, I was checked at the university clinic last week. I have been prostituting myself for the past few months in order to pay my tuition. My father cut off my finances. So I get checked to assure everything is alright. Third, I can be whatever you would desire me to be.”

“When you have sex with me, I want you to play the submissive role. You will do everything I command you to do immediately. Otherwise, I will be forced to punish you. Are you alright with that?”


“Good. You may begin by taking off all your clothes. I want to see your body.” He was twenty two years old and had a perfectly formed body. In addition to that he was well endowed. When he was completely stripped down, I had him lay supine on the bed. I took my time taking off my clothes. He watched me with interest. When I dropped my panties to the floor, he reached out and touched my vulva. His index finger slipped through my pubic hair and titillated my clit. I stood there for a few minutes while he used his fingers to pleasure me. I began to secrete. I moved onto the bed and climbed over his face. I ordered him to use his tongue. I rubbed my wet vulva over his face as he licked my folds. After I had an orgasm, I moved down on his body and grabbed his cock with my hand. I moved it around my vulva and clit until I orgasmed once again. I slipped his cock into my vaginal hole and slowly moved vertically. He moved in unison with my movement. I bent over him and allowed his mouth to attach to my left breast. Both of my nipples became erect. He moved his lips from one breast to the other. The movement of his cock was deep inside me, and the sucking of my breasts sent waves of pleasure through every inch of my body. I could feel his cock begin to pulsate.

In a weak voice he said, “I’m coming.”

Those words had me explode with pleasure. I could feel the vibrations down to my toes. There was enough energy released between the two of us that could have powered the city of Paris. I collapsed on top of him. As long as he was erect, I moved my body around extracting every ounce of pleasure possible. We continued in that position for more than forty-five minutes. Finally, I climbed off of him and we lay side by side. For several minutes, neither of us said anything. I broke the silence. “I have a little group that meets from time to time. I would like you to participate. However, there is one caveat, as long as you are a member of our group, you can’t prostitute yourself elsewhere. Are you okay with that?”

He took a moment to digest what I just told him. “I have one wealthy client. She is a widow and in her fifties. I would like to keep her. Would that be possible? She has been paying a good portion of my tuition.

“When are you required to see her?

“I usually spend Saturday afternoons with her. Sometimes, we don’t engage in sex, we just sit and talk. She has taken an interest in my education.”

There is a pause in the conversation. “Right now, our group consists of three participants. We have been meeting nightly. We are all university students. I am going to insist that we limit our activities to two nights a week. We all need to spend more time on our studies. As long as your meeting with your wealthy client doesn’t interfere with our group meetings, we will allow you to participate. Of course, you will be paid for your participation. I insist, however, that she will be your only diversion. Is that agreed?”

“Yes, I agree.”

“Good. Give me your phone number. I will call you and let you know when we are going to meet again.” They got out of bed. Adele insisted that they shower. Lorenzo put his hands all over her touching every erogenous zone of Adele’s body. She had three more orgasms during the fifteen minute shower. At one point, he kissed her. When he slipped his tongue between her lips and deep into her mouth, she grabbed hold of his ass and pulled him into her. He got a semi erection. The presence of his cock between her legs ignited an inner fire. She knew deep down, Lorenzo was going to be an important part of their little group.

Finally, he said, “I have to go. I have an exam tomorrow. I have to hit the books.

They got out of the shower and dried each other. After they got dressed, she walked him to the door. He turned and kissed her good night.

“I look forward to your call,” he said.

“I’ll be in touch in a few days.”

The next morning, I ran into Fran just before my class. She informed me that she was invited to move in with Rivera. “What do you plan to do,” I inquired.

“I like her a lot. She is really hot in bed. She wants an exclusive relationship. I don’t think it would work out having her in our group.”

“You do what is best for you. We can still be friends. Maybe once in a while, you can steal away and come over.”

“Yes, I would like that. I’m sorry.”

She left me standing in the hallway. Oh well, there is still Serge and now Lorenzo. If we can get the two lesbians to join us, we will still have an active group. I put those thoughts in the back of my mind to concentrate on the lecture that was to be presented this morning.

After the class, I ran into Serge as I was going to the cafeteria. He informed me that he was cast as a lead in the play. He was all excited. The play by Moliere entitled ‘L’Etourdi ou le Contretemps’ was going to be presented in French. It was scheduled to be ready for performance in three weeks at the university theater. He wanted Fran and me to attend. I promised I would. I told him about Fran entering into a steady relationship with Professor Rivera.

“I knew she was gay. She just never got into my putting it to her. She was only happy when my tongue was between her legs.”

I mentioned Lorenzo stopping by the night before. I said, “He’ll fit nicely into our little group.” I inquired about the lesbians.

“They are going to be working on the production. Unfortunately, they will be tied up as well for the next few weeks. But, they assured me as soon as there is some free time, we’ll all get together.”

I left him outside the cafeteria. Serge headed for a class. It looked like I would be having a heterosexual relationship with Lorenzo in the coming weeks. He’s a good lover and will do whatever I request. I decided that I would plan some experimental sex with him just to keep things interesting.

When I arrived back at my condo after classes, I had a voice mail. It was from my father. He was planning to visit Paris in a few days. He was bringing along his wife of six months, Francoise. I introduced them last year at Christmas. I invited Francoise to come home with me to New York for the holidays. She had graduated the previous May and had been my friend for about two years. We had become physically involved in a sexual relationship. It was about that time the two of us realized we were bisexual.

When we arrived in New York, we stayed at my father’s Manhattan condo. My father had been out of the country on business. He returned a few days after we arrived. I could tell when I introduced him to Francoise that he was smitten with her. On New Year’s Eve, he escorted Francoise to a lavish party. I was invited to go along. My father arranged for a young man who was one of his aides to accompany me as well. The following week, I returned to Paris, but Francoise remained in New York. A month later, I received an invitation to their wedding. Francoise was going to be my father’s fifth wife and my stepmother. Just a few months before, Francoise and I were an item. Life has some strange twists and turns.

My father informed me in the voice mail; he was intent on purchasing a condo in Paris and was planning to live there for six months out of the year. He said that Francoise wanted to be close to her mother who was a widow. The thought entered my head that she wanted to get back to me. I was now going to be put into a position of assisting Francoise to cheat on my father. Maybe that wouldn’t come to pass, but it was a good possibility. They were scheduled to arrive the day after tomorrow. My father said that he was going to stay in my condo until they could purchase another one. He requested I get the guest room ready. I have to admit, I was looking forward to seeing Francoise again. I have missed her.

I informed my daytime maid that I was expecting guests and to get the room prepared for their arrival.

That evening, I received a call from Lorenzo. We agreed we would meet on Friday evening. It was decided that we would go out to one of the trendy restaurants in Paris for dinner. That would give both of us an opportunity to get to know one another. Our brief meeting was all about having sex. I liked to have a more in depth knowledge of a person that I am engaging in a sexual relationship. I was hoping I could convince Lorenzo to become my submissive and at some point move in with me.

I spent the rest of the week hitting the books. On Friday afternoon, I was scheduled to take a Renaissance Art exam. It was going to cover the five greatest artists of that period.

I stopped by the university theater one day after class and watched a rehearsal. I was proud of Serge portraying his character. At the end of the rehearsal, he introduced me to the lesbians. They were two local French women. Their names are Aimee and Lucie. I was attracted to them immediately. Aimee is a beautiful blond I estimate to be in her early twenties. She has great muscle tone. I suspect she works out daily. Lucie has a typical French look. She is petite and well proportioned. While we were having a conversation during a break in the rehearsal, I asked if either of them had ever had a boy friend. Aimee said that she was always attracted to women, but had a curiosity about what it would be like to be with a man. She said that she was mildly attracted to Serge. If she were to go to bed with a man, she would want it to be Serge.

Lucie on the other hand, admitted to having sex with two men at different times when she was eighteen years old. They were more or less one night stands. I asked them if they found me attractive. They both admitted they were looking forward to joining our group. When the break was over, I kissed each one and said I looked forward to seeing them in the play. I decided to leave the theater. I didn’t want to ruin seeing the production in its entirety.

This was the day that my father and Francoise were scheduled to arrive. I promised to pick them up at the airport. I had made arrangements to have a van follow me. If I knew Francoise, she would have a ton of luggage. Their arrival was scheduled within the hour. I drove to where I was to meet the van and its driver. I had him follow me.

As I was driving toward the airport my cell phone rang. It was my father. He informed me that his flight had landed. He was making his way to the baggage area. He wanted me to meet him at the baggage carrousel. I was to have the driver of the van bring a flat bed cart with him.

We parked the car and van in the garage directly across from the main entrance of the airline carrier. The van driver took the cart from the van and he pushed it into the airport. I spotted my father and Francoise standing at the carrousel. Francoise approached me first. As she embraced me, she put her body into mine. She whispered into my ear that she missed me and thought about me frequently. After she released me, I hugged my father and kissed him on his cheek.

The carrousel began to move which indicated that the luggage was forthcoming. I had the driver move the cart as close to the carrousel as possible. My father would point out the suitcases and the driver began to load them on the cart. There were a half dozen bags in all.

We walked to the garage and the driver loaded the van. My father, Francoise and I got into my car and began the trip to my condo. When we arrived, I instructed the driver to load the luggage onto the freight elevator. We took the other elevator to the floor where my condo was located.

When we entered the condo, I showed my father and Francoise to their room. The driver brought in the bags and took them to the room as well. I paid the driver and he left. I invited my father and Francoise to join me for a drink in the living room. After we made small talk for about a half hour, my father said he was going out to get a haircut. He left Francoise and me alone.

I fixed each of us another drink. We didn’t say anything for a short period of time. I spoke first. “How are things in New York?”

“Lonely. I’ve missed you. Your father is out of town on business most of the time.”

She put her drink down and moved toward me. “Every night when I was alone in my bed, I thought about you for hours.” She put her arms around me and pulled my body into hers. Then she put her lips to mine. We began to kiss passionately. “I want to taste you,” she said in a breathy voice.

I put my hand on her ass and pulled her body into mine. She reached down and loosened the belt that was holding up my slacks. They fell to the floor. Her hand found its way between my legs and began to rub my vulva over my panties. I was becoming very wet. She pulled down my wet panties and dropped to her knees. I sat down in a chair that was nearby. Just that morning, I had shaved away most of my pubic hair. She slipped her tongue directly into my folds. The one thing I remembered about her when we were an item was she gave great head. Her tongue teased my clit until I had an orgasm. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Tonight, when my father is asleep, come to my bed.” She looked up at me and smiled. Then she went back to giving me pleasure. How I had missed her oral manipulations. I intended to repay her when I get her in my bed tonight.

After she caressed my vulva for more than a half hour, I decided it was time to bring the session to a close. I didn’t want my father to walk in on us. I directed Francoise to the shower off the guest bedroom. I took a shower in my bathroom as well.

When my father returned, he went directly into the bedroom. After a few minutes, I could hear Francoise emanating noises I was familiar with when we were together. I suspected my father was going down on her.

After a few hours, my father and Francoise came out of the bedroom and announced they were going to dinner. They invited me to come along. I informed them I had a dinner date. A half hour after they left, Lorenzo rang my condo bell. “I’ll be right down.” I took the elevator to the lobby. The doorman had let him in. He was sitting in a waiting area reading a magazine. He stood when I approached him, took me by the arm and escorted me to a waiting taxi.

Lorenzo instructed the driver to take us to Three Rue Royale. He had good tastes in restaurants. That’s the location of Maxim’s. It’s one of the best restaurants in all of Paris. A doorman greeted us as we got out of the cab. He opened the door and we walked inside. The maitre d checked his reservation list. He instructed us to follow him. The restaurant had little rooms cut out that allowed complete privacy. The thought crossed my mind that maybe I would give Lorenzo my vulva for dessert. I would have to play that one by ear. I had never had sex in public before. It was exciting to think about it. I never considered myself an exhibitionist, but I was intent on trying it at least once. After we had a few drinks while waiting for our main course, I mentioned my idea to Lorenzo. He said that he would love to go down on me, but he didn’t think he wanted to do it there.

The meal was delicious. When we finished, the waiter approached us and inquired if we would like to have dessert. We both refused, but ordered another round of drinks. Lorenzo put his hand under the table and began to explore my upper thigh. His fingers found my pussy and I began to heavily secrete. There was a curtain across the opening of the doorway. I suggested to Lorenzo to close the curtain. As he stood, I removed my panties. I was aching to feel Lorenzo’s tongue between my legs. “Before you close the curtain, flag down a waiter and order a bottle of wine.” My drink was nearly gone. I was in the mood to have a glass a wine while Lorenzo attended to his oral duties.

A waiter walked by and Lorenzo ordered a bottle of the most expensive wine available. He stood in the doorway and waited for the waiter to return. The waiter was back within a minute. He opened the bottle of wine and put two fresh glasses on the table.“I’m going to close the curtain. We want some privacy while we drink the wine,” Lorenzo informed him.

“Of course, Monsieur, when you are ready for your check move the curtain open.”