
Новые письма счастья

Новые письма счастья

von: Dmitriy Bykov

4,99 €

Verlag: Vremya
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 01.01.2011
ISBN/EAN: 9785969108998
Sprache: Russisch
Anzahl Seiten: 438

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His poetic satires Dmitry Bykov ulterior motive of letters called happiness. There is a full impression that he feels untroubled bliss, rhyming with ChP VVP or putting in a poetic line Madagascar names Razhuelina Ravalomanana. A happy reader the feeling of immediacy, almost impromptu, with which the poet copes effortlessly.

Game of the poet is unsafe - not because the ""bloody regime"" will put shackles of banter. But because of the satirist humorist reader begins to wait certainly funny, certainly hilarious. Dmitry Bykov same - big and serious writer, which is still enough for everything: for novels and poetry, and essays and newspaper columns. And, yes, chain letters - they are again typed on a book. Seriously, by the way, the genre.

Dmitry Bykov about himself:
I was born in Moscow on 20 December 1967. Mother - a teacher of literature. He graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, unwillingly served in the army since 1985, working in the Sobesednik. Has worked or published in almost all Moscow weeklies several daily newspapers regularly - in the Ogonek, Vecherniy Klub, Stolitsa of the first draft, Obschaya Gazeta and the Novaya Gazeta". A member of the Writers' Union since 1991.
Married for the second. Two children, four books of poetry in Moscow and St. Petersburg, stories and plays in various magazines, dog, mouse, sea turtle, two parrots.
Favorite book - "Legend of the Eulenspiegel 'favorite movie -" Strangers Letters "favorite animal - the hedgehog, free time I spend on his education.
"Дмитрий Быков о себе:
Я родился в Москве 20 декабря 1967 года. Мать — учитель словесности. Окончил журфак МГУ, неохотно служил в армии, с 1985 года работаю в "Собеседнике". Сотрудничал или печатался почти во всех московских еженедельниках и нескольких ежедневных газетах, регулярно — в "Огоньке", "Вечернем клубе", "Столице" первого призыва, "Общей газете" и "Новой газете". Член Союза писателей с 1991 года.
Женат вторым браком. Двое детей, четыре книги стихов в Москве и Петербурге, рассказы и пьесы в разных журналах, собака, мышь, морская черепаха, два попугая.
Любимая книга — "Легенда об Уленшпигеле", любимый фильм — "Чужие письма", любимое животное — еж, свободное время трачу на его воспитание."

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