
Adam after Eden

Adam after Eden

von: Voltaire

10,99 €

Verlag: Dar Alrafidain
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 18.08.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781773225845
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 350

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


From the awareness of the children of Adam, who are dissatisfied with the disasters and destruction of wars, the massacres of pain, the bitterness of epidemics, the ills of hatred and ignorance, famine and destruction... a universe of confrontation in its broadest sense grows to justify the rejection of the manifestations of "evil" lurking in our world. This confrontation, both hidden and declared, represents a stubborn loyalty. To the spirit of the Enlightenment philosophy, not only because of the values ​​inherent in it, but because it provided and continues to provide a conscious refuge from the ferocity of the presence of evil and its nightmare, under whose octopus humanity has been suffering since the beginning of the deception. The French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778) realized that the text/novel (Adam after Eden) or (Candide) would not serve to denounce/object to the forms of evil if it were merely an outburst or a passing vent towards the injustice and miserable situation prevailing around the world, but rather as a form From resistance to submitting to the aspects of evil and the helpless recognition of them, and even a bitter denunciation of human indifference that refuses to see misery, despair and death and does not take action or even protest. He is the enlightener who insisted on destroying that negativity that justifies the acceptance of evil and its continuation.

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